Hold on to Peace - Image courtesy Ira Mitchell-Kirk

Hold on to Peace - Image courtesy Ira Mitchell-Kirk

Saturday 14 May 2011

New Artworks Arrive in Cassino

Ero una bambina quando scoppio' la guerra, ma ricordo con precisione i momenti in cui sedevo di fianco ai miei genitori mentre ascoltavano le notizie dal fronte alla radio.
Ricordo la lunga lista di nomi che veniva letta: chi era morto in azione, chi era rimasto ferito, e peggio ancora chi era disperso.
La mia mente bambina si chiedeva se questi poveri giovani provassero la paura e se sarebbero mai stati ritrovati.

Da adulta ho trovato e letto la poesia "To the fallen" ( "Ai caduti") di Lawrence Binyon e la forza di quelle parole mi ha commosso profondamente.
Si puo' solo sperare che forse in un futuro gli uomini giungano alla conclusione che la guerra non e' "la soluzione".

Lois Wine (2011)

Fabric artist Lois Wine has arrived in Italy with her quilt commissioned especially for Cassino 2011. Lois has hand-painted the silk used in this work. Around the borders are scenes from the Cassino area, and the poppies well known in memorial works feature in the centre.

Lois writes: I was only child when war broke out, but I vividly remember sitting beside my mother and father as they listened to the war news on the radio. The long list of names being read out, those who were killed in action, others wounded but worst of all were the ‘missing in action’ names. I wondered in my childlike way if those poor men were really scared and if they would ever be found.

When I was an adult I found the poem ‘To the fallen’ by Laurence Binyon and the poignancy of that poem brought tears to my eyes. One can only hope that maybe in the future, mankind will eventually come to realise that war is not the answer.

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