Hold on to Peace - Image courtesy Ira Mitchell-Kirk

Hold on to Peace - Image courtesy Ira Mitchell-Kirk

Tuesday 8 June 2010

Specimens of War.

Katherine Batchelor's work for Legato held the attention of the historians and the children of Cassino for a particularly long time. Each specimen dish contains images and memorabilia, building up snapshots in time that are both personal and universal. Children wanted to understand the significance of every dish.

Katherine Batchelor

Nata a Helensville nel 1965, Katherine e' un'artista di tecnica mista, diplomata nel 2006 in Arte e Artigianato presso la Hungry Creek Art and Craft school e che oggi lavora nello studio di casa a Red Beach. Le esperienze personali, i problemi socio-ambientali, si mescolano nella creazione di opere espressive e suggestive.

Lyall George Taylor, D.O.B 29/3/1920
Service No: 408459
Rank Private
Seconda Guerra Mondiale NZEF 24th Battaglione - Italy
Durata del servizio - 3 anni

Lyall George Taylor, marito, figlio, zio, nonno, nipote e amico di molti e padre di quattro figli, Frank, Denise, Quinton e la sottoscritta Katherine, non ha mai parlato molto con noi della guerra.

Ma noi abbiamo sempre percepito l'effetto che questa ha avuto sulla sua anima.
Lui era orgoglioso di difendere la propria patria e deciso a morire per il compagno che combatteva accanto a lui, ma c'era una profonda tristezza nelle cose di cui ha fatto esperienza.
E questi effetti negativi sono stati tramandati a noi, ai suoi figli, nel suo modo di esserci padre.
Prego per la pace nel mondo.


Born in Helensville in 1965, Katherine is a mixed media artist who graduated in 2006 with an Art and Craft Diploma from Hungry Creek Art and Craft school and who now works from a studio at her home in Red Beach. Personal experiences, environmental and social issues intermingle to create expressive and evocative works.

Lyall George Taylor, D.O.B 29/3/1920
Service No: 408459
Rank Private
World War II NZEF 24th Battalion
Theatre of War - Italy
Length of Service - 3 years

Lyall George Taylor, a husband , a son, an uncle, a granddad, a nephew and a friend to many, and a father to the four of us {Frank, Denise, Quinton, and myself, Katherine , never spoke much to us of the war. But we felt the affect it had had on his soul. He was proud to defend his country and willing to fall for his mate beside him but there was a deep sadness about the things he had experienced. And those affects have been passed to us , his children, in the way he fathered us. I pray for world peace.

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